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Minted User Tool

Case study

Role | UX Designer 
Objective | adding a feature to pre-existing site

My Minted Case Study is a project I created for The design service team at 


The design service team at minted has had many issues trying to communicate with the rest of the department at minted. They are the one team in the operations that connects with all the teams across the board. I wanted to find a more efficient way and a creation for the design service team to have interactions between the customers and the operations teams to make Q4 ( the busiest time of the year for them ) a breeze.

Research Goals

• Understand current communication technology and determine why DST has problems getting the correct information to the other teams and clients at minted.

• Review all communications between customers and websites that are currently out there today and discovers the weakness and strengths of the current book apps.


• Identify motivations and goals, pain points and needs for the stakeholders and the design support team.

User Research - Identifying pain points


• Almost 90% of  the design support says customers contact minted asking about their photos and if they are high res and if they will print okay?

Surveys and Interviews

• Almost 90% of  the design support says customers contact minted asking about their photos and if they are high res and if they will print okay?

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• 100% of the team agreed that the customer service team has a hard time conveying what the client is asking and they find that they spend a more time asking additional questions to get it right. 

• Understand current communication technology and determine why DST has problems getting the correct information to the other teams and clients at minted.

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Current interactions communication tools 

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• Currently, the customer service team communicates with the design support team using slack. It's a great tool, but the questions can become lengthly with questions because the agents sometimes have a hard time understanding the design language lingo. The customer service agents post a question with the proper question format for the designers and the designers use that information to give the correct answers to the agents to replay to the clients. 

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• The communication between designers and customer service agents can be long and on going, The threads of questions could be answered in more of faster way and directly. 


• Currently, the customer service team communicates with the design support team using slack. It's a great tool, but the questions can become lengthly with questions because the agents sometimes have a hard time understanding the design language lingo. The customer service agents post a question with the proper question format for the designers and the designers use that information to give the correct answers to the agents to replay to the clients. 

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MBO Tool

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• The entire operations department uses this tool called MBO which allows the designers to send proofs to the customers and also allows the clients to use annotation tools to communicate with the designers for changes or update and questions. The tool can get very lengthly with extra requests and questions about photo quality. Sometimes one proof can have over a 100 annotations.  

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• Right here is the user interface of the annotation tool. 

Help from minted


The current user flow for getting access to designers for help.

The process is time consuming and on going with not any of concerns most of the clients have. 

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• Above are the user interfaces for how the clients connect with minted's customer service. These are all the steps the client has to go through in order to ask a designer a question. It seems like a lot for something can be answered faster and more efficiently. This also could be the reason why customer service agents don't understand what the clients are asking in the first place. They might have many issues and some information might get lost in the lingo.  

Communication Docs

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• The current method of communication for custom orders and bugs that are found and used with docs and surveys from clients. This type of contact form can be helpful, but also very in personal. The forms end up pilling up and creating a mountain of work for the designers as well as the tech team in the department. 

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User task flow adding a new feature


low fidelity WireFrames

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